Tag: Fantasy

Movie Review: Your Highness

“Your Highness” on IMDB

Comedy, 102 Minutes, 2011

This is one of those movies that simply over-stays its welcome.  You will laugh – at least a little.  But a royal, fantasy prince saying “fuck” is only funny once… maybe twice.  Here you get it about 148 times.  That minotaur dick joke was mildly funny.  Missed it?  Don’t worry, it’ll get referenced 20 more times.


Movie Review: Sucker Punch

“Sucker Punch” on IMDB

Action, 110 Minutes, 2011

There are at least two ways to view this film.  The most obvious (and most fun) is as a modern-day “Heavy Metal” with a stronger connecting story.  The main story follows a troubled girl who escapes into lavish, multi-layered fantasy in her attempts to escape the sanitarium before she’s lobotomized.
