Tag: JavaScript

DP_DateExtensions Update

I recently received a tweet from @denndk with a very reasonable question about my JavaScript date extensions, DP_DateExtensions:

@kiwidust Just used your DateExtension lib. I see that quarterhours and businessdays in the add method is not implemented. why in the docs?

To be fair I did implement the methods. I just implemented them terribly.

First off, the “quarterhours” (and “halfhours” as well) were mistakenly calculating quarter and half minutes, not hours. Simple fix for a really dumbass mistake. Unfortunately the second issue was even dumbassier.

You see I originally released the component – and kept releasing updates for it for over six years – with no actual code in the “businessdays” calculation for the add() method. It was just plain empty. Last February I got an email mentioning this and so I fixed it. Then, a scant two months later I published an older version of the component to GitHub that didn’t have it. A year later I get a tweet.

You should be able to recognize two things: 1) nobody uses this, and 2) I’m an idiot.

In any case the component has been corrected (again) and uploaded to GitHub.

Announcing DP_SharePoint

SharePoint LogoI’ve published the initial version of my JavaScript library, DP_SharePoint, designed to make working with client-side SharePoint development easier.  Still in development, the library provides:

  • Methods to acquire JavaScript handlers to SharePoint form controls and fields. This make it much simpler to interrogate or add event handlers to SharePoint forms.
  • Simple methods to add or remove events from SharePoint form elements.
  • Simple methods to hide and show elements of SharePoint forms.
  • Methods to simplify the calling and use of SharePoint web services and ready the data returned from them for use.

The library should be considered (very) beta but I am using it in a heavily trafficked production development.  I’ve got lots of plans for this, as I’m in a position to do a lot of SharePoint development over the next few months or years (all without access to SharePoint Designer or any back-end support).

Comments, criticisms or suggestions are always welcome!

Get List and View Indentifiers in SharePoint

SharePoint LogoThose, like me, that put in the position of managing a SharePoint Team Site without SharePoint Designer access (or indeed without the ability to install development software of any kind) are forced to get creative sometimes.  Leveraging the many rich (but annoying inscrutable) web services available offers a lot of interesting possibilities but adds significant challenges.  Most people will start with getting data from lists.


I’ve GitHubbed! GitHubbled? GitHubliered?

I’ve finally gotten with the times and moved my JavaScript libraries and utilities to GitHub.  You can find me at https://github.com/kiwidust. My components are old (and, if I must admit it, old-fashioned) and I had never really considered them much beyond my own needs but since it seems a few other have found some of them useful I decided it was time become a little more formal.

The following components have been moved – feel free to fork ’em!

I’ll be maintaining the documentation here at DepressedPress.com, for now at least, and the examples will still be hosted at Comcast (as I’ve found no other viable options).  I’m open to any other suggestions to make working with my stuff easier.

DP_DateExtensions vs Excel: Fight!

I recently received a request for assistance with my JavaScript date extensions, DP_DateExtensions.  In part it says:

I need to simulate the MS Excel networkdays() function.  Excel would count 10th Jan 2013 midnight to 15th Jan 2013 midnight as 4 working days (6 days in total) but DP_DateExtension.js does not count the 10th so outputs 3 working days (5 total).

The Excel NetworkDays() function returns “business days” (removing Saturday and Sunday and optionally holidays from the calculation). In this case passing the function January 10th (a Thursday) to January 15 (a Tuesday) results in “4”.  This makes it clear that Excel is doing this calculation inclusively by date and obviously not from “midnight to midnight”.


Update of DP_DateExtensions to add First-Day-of-Week Option

A slight update to my JavaScript date extensions, DP_DateExtensions, is now available for download.  This release adds the ability to specify which day of week is considered the first day of the week when using the date math functions.  (Thanks to Neil Cresswell of cresswell.net for suggesting this addition.)

JavaScript itself considers Sunday (denoted as zero) the first day of the week by default.  This update provides access to a new property of the Date object, Date.FirstDayOfWeek, that can be set to any day from Sunday (zero) to Saturday (six).  This setting will then affect date math in the  round(), ceil(), floor() and diff() functions when the specified date part is “weeks”.

     // Set first day of week to Monday ("1")
Date.FirstDayOfWeek = 1
     // Create a new date
CurDate = new Date();
     // Perform some date math
RoundedWeek = CurDate.round("weeks");
FloorWeek = CurDate.floor("weeks")
CeilWeek = CurDate.ceil("weeks")

Personally I’ve not needed to leverage this yet, but I can definitely see it coming in handy.

Adding Events to SharePoint Fields

SharePoint Logo[This article should be considered deprecated.  The code represented has been improved, extended and made available as the DP_SharePoint Function Library.  All future effort will be applied there.]

The first article in this series dealt with obtaining a reference to a SharePoint field in Add and Edit forms.  One of the most common reasons to head down this path is to add custom validation to fields.  Often this requires adding events to (in the case of most fields) the onchange or (in the case of buttons) the onclick events of the fields.  Simply setting the event handler directly would work, but will eliminate any currently enabled handlers (such as those defined internally to SharePoint).

Instead I created two functions to abstract the standardized addEventListener() and (for older IE browsers) the attachEvent() methods.  They accept a reference to an HTML element (in this case a SharePoint form field), an event type and a function name to call when the event is fired.  The first adds an event to the passed element and the second (which is included for balance but which I’ve honestly never actually used) removes it.


Obtaining a JavaScript Reference to a SharePoint Field

SharePoint Logo[This article should be considered deprecated.  The code represented has been improved, extended and made available as the DP_SharePoint Function Library.  All future effort will be applied there.]

I’ve been digging further and further into the bowels of SharePoint.  It’s not a pleasant place to dig.  At my company end-users and team-site owners are prohibited from doing any back-end development.  Additionally, due to various political issues, there are currently no available processes to contract for such work (although you can be added to an ever-growing waiting list).  The only development path open to site owners is client-side JavaScript.

On the team-site I manage one of the most used features is a custom list cataloging enterprise Incidents managed by the team.  Each incident is logged with information about the applications affected, the team engagement times and many other pieces of information.  The list feeds business customer reports and generates performance metrics for upper management.  With over 20 people on the team the quality of information can be rather shaky.  It would benefit greatly from some simple validation and a few points of automation.


Update of DP_DateExtensions to Correct Parsing Error

A slight update to my JavaScript date extensions, DP_DateExtensions, is available for download.  This release addresses another issue related to paring of “AM” and “PM” indicators.  The gist of the problem was that the parser was transversing Noon and Midnight.

I had two bugs.  When I encountered a PM indicator I was simply adding 12 to the “hours” value if it were less than 13.  Of course 12 noon plus 12 hours is midnight the next day.  I needed to check for “less than 12” not “less than 13”.  However I also wasn’t taking any action if the indicator was AM – which left 12 AM as “12”, or noon, in the resulting 24 hour clock representation.  If the indicator were AM I needed to check if the hours were 12 and set them to zero if so.


New Version of DP_DateExtensions and Some Esoteric Integer Parsing

[Actually the “new” version is nearly a month old at this point but I forgot to do an entry to announce it.]

There’s a new version of my JavaScript date extensions, DP_DateExtensions, available.  This release fixes a significant, but interesting bug brought to my attention by Kevin Warnke.  He noticed that, sometimes, when you parsed a date with a 12-hour clock the resulting time was simply wrong – often off by weeks.  This, for some reason, annoyed him.

After digging I did find (and fix) the problem.  As you might expect to parse a time with a 12-hour time you need to take the time given and add 12 to it (if “PM”) to convert it to a 24-hour clock.  To do this I did some simple addition:

Hours = Hours + 12;

This worked fine in most cases.  However if “Hours” had leading zero, like “04” JavaScript treats this as a string and would result in “0412” rather than “16” as you might expect.  However when adding the value to a date JavaScript happily treats it as a number – so instead of adding 16 hours to my new date this resulted in adding 412 hours – or over 17 extra days!

Although there are many ways to fix this I decided to force the conversion by using the parseInt() function like so (the “10” indicates that you want to parse the value as base 10):

Hours = parseInt(Hours, 10) + 12;

This fixed the problem nicely.  In the end, a pretty silly error that I should have caught much sooner.