I’m not-live blogging our Extra-Life 2015 Marathon! Our team, The Vidiots, could still use donations! We’ve got some part-timers in now, and one of our starters had to leave, but we’re still going string. We can always use more sick kids; they’re so inspiring! We’ve been playing:
- We seem to have abandoned the Fallout 3 shopping cart collection, but are now streaming whatever the hell is going on to Twitch as EatThatWontonSoup!
- The part-timers (a bunch of 13 year girls, so: LOUD!) have taken over the main TV and are having way too much fun with Hamster Ball, an oldie-but-goodie PS3 racing/maze/obstacle course… thing.
- They then migrated to the table to play Apples-to-Apples and the (we’re told, smelly) boys pulled out the funky “Buzz” controllers and had some unexpected fun with Buzz!: Quiz TV.
- Buzz needs Buzz controllers… Buzz controllers need lots of batteries.
- Gamer Grrrls!
- Apples-to-Apples (because Cards Against Humanity didn’t see appropriate).
More to come!