I’m not-live blogging our Extra-Life 2015 Marathon! Our team, The Vidiots, is 18 hours in and still playing! We cooked up some hot food to give everybody a little boost and a break from the salt and sugar.
We’re playing:
- Two team members have dedicated themselves to a The Binding of Isaac mini-marathon.
- The rest spent a few minutes reliving their childhoods by playing “Spongebob Squarepants” on the GameCube, then, surprisingly, abandoned it for an extended (and very loud) session of Scattergories.
- The streaming of Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin on the EatThatWontonSoup Twitch channel is on hold (the players have wandered over to the Scattergories game), but may start up again.
Here are some pictures!
- Playing The Binding of Isaac in the dark.
- Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?!
- Scattergories!
More to come!