I’m not-live blogging our Extra-Life 2015 Marathon, and I’m already running behind. We’ve got 10 teenage boys locked in varying forms of mortal combat.
Our team, The Vidiots, have raised $383 for sick kids so far. You can still donate, if you like – we can always use more sick kids; they’re so inspiring! This hour we’ve played:
- Some Super Smash Bros. Wii-U to get things started!
- Scattered around various PCs there was some The Binding of Isaac, Fallout 3 and HearthStone. A few of the phones also saw Puzzle and Dragons and Fallout Shelter.
- The SteamLink has been a huge success – when connected to PlayStation Dual Shock 4 controllers (the Steam Controller itself isn’t getting great reviews, sorry Valve). There was some hectic action in Lethal League and Skull Girls.
- The was also some weirdness. Several people were introduced to the bizarre The Static Speaks my Name and somebody brought a Sega Genesis and subjected a small, but dedicated contingent to the marvels of Shaq-Fu.
We’re heading towards lunch soon. Here’s some eye candy for you:
- Shaq-Fu was… and experience.
- Pretty sneaky, sis!
- We’re putting quite the load on the circuit breaker!
- We’ll have more professional photos later. For now it’s cell-phone amatuer hour.
- We’re HAPPY, dammit!
- Crowed around the Steam Link.
More to come!