Category: Reviews

Jurassic World Trailer (and How I’d Fix It)

The trailer for “Jurassic World” was released a few days ago and the Internet… noticed. Most of the comments seem to be focused around the sad scientific ignorance demonstrated in the creature design. Where the original trilogy did it’s best to reflect the most up-to-date findings, this definitely seems to toss that away in favor of a popularist view.

I’d like to focus on another aspect hinted on in the trailer, but first, here it is:


Movie Review: A Trio of Video Game Flicks

Video Game Movies, PS3 ControllerVideo game movies tend to be, to put things mildly, terrible. Generally, they’re rushed, low-budget, self-indulgent compromises. They’re incredibly adept at discovering exactly which elements makes people adore the game and then ignoring them completely. Like anything else, there are exceptions, but as a rule: run away from video game movies.
