Tag: Low Budget

Movie Review: Troll Hunter

“Troll Hunter” on IMDB

Drama/Comedy, 97 Minutes, 2001

As my hordes of imaginary regular readers know I watch a lot of bad monster movies.  So many, in fact, that when an actual good monster movie sneaks in I sometimes have to consider: is it truly a good movie or have I abused my pallette to the point where even mediocre seems good by comparison?  Can a dog that eats cat-turds truly appreciate filet mignon?


Movie Review: Super

“Super” on IMDB

Drama/Comedy, 96 Minutes, 2010:

This is an incredible film if you’re able to accept it.  If there’s a problem with it (and there isn’t) it’s that it assumes a lot of its audience.  So if you think there’s a problem with it (you’re wrong) then it’s really just you.  My guess is that you’re an idiot.  That’s really nothing to be ashamed of – lots of people are – but you may not enjoy this movie.  Everybody else: you’re in for a treat.


Movie Review: Hobo with a Shotgun

“Hobo with a Shotgun” on IMDB

Action/Comedy, 86 Minutes, 2011

As much as I’m normally a fan of the grindhouse genre and recent homages I found myself having trouble with “Hobo with a Shotgun”.  It’s easy to take the simple path out: the film is meant, by loving design, to appear like the best (worst?) low-budget, over-the-top gore-fests of the early 80’s.  Most people will watch a few minutes and walk away blaming the production values or the gore or both.
