Category: Reviews

Movie Review: Iron Sky

“Iron Sky” on IMDB

Sci-fi/Satire, 93 Minutes, 2012

Nazis on the moon!  That’s pretty much the premise and, surprising nobody more than me, it actually (kinda) works.  Where the movie (a Finnish/German/Australian production in English and sub-titled German)  tries and fails hardest is its often ham-fisted political satire.  This movie has nothing nice to say about anybody (except maybe Finland, who still comes off as slightly pathetic) but the United States definitely gets the brunt of things.


Movie Review: The Dark Knight Rises

“The Dark Knight Rises” on IMDB

Action, 164 Minutes, 2012

There are two ways (at least) to consider “The Dark Knight Rises”.  The first (and correct) way is as the capstone to a self-contained “Batman” story that owes us nothing but a profound respect of the character we love.  The second way, one that the angrier parts of the Internet seem to have latched onto, is as an entry into a larger, continuing “Batman” timeline.  Considered as part of a larger whole, or worse, as a stepping stone to the rumored, much-anticipated “Justice League” movie, the film fails to properly stage the character.  I would simply argue that there was no requirement to do this.


Movie Review: The Amazing Spider-Man

“The Amazing Spider-Man” on IMDB

Action, 136 Minutes, 2012

No matter where you fall on the question of a character reboot this soon after the Sam Raimi trilogy or the whole “Mary Jane Watson versus Gwen Stacey” thing or even the “biologic versus mechanical web shooters” decision it’s hard to argue that this isn’t a damn good movie.  That said it’s impossible to talk about this without drawing comparisons to Sam Raimi’s masterful effort released a very short 10 years ago – but we’re not bitter!
