Tag: B-movie

Movie Review: Android Insurrection

IMDB, Android Insurrection“Android Insurrection” on IMDB

Sci-fi, 90 Minutes, 2012

This a terrible movie full of terrible things.  But it is damn funny.  It’s not meant to be funny, but it’s damn funny.  Hard to watch, harder to follow and ridiculously difficult to take seriously, but damn funny.

It has all the problems of z-budget sci-fi.  Terrible sets, terrible green screen and terrible integration of the, honestly, actually pretty good CGI.  The whole movie gives the impression that one guy got pretty good at making robots on the computer and his dumbass friends decided that they would make such an awesome movie!


Movie Review: Scream of the Banshee

IMDB, Scream of the Banshee“Scream of the Banshee” on IMDB

Horror, 90 Minutes, 2011

Way back in the history times people wore metal clothes and everybody lived in the woods at night in a country called “Europe”.  One of the towns in Europe was painted green and populated by bagpipe elves called Limericks.  It was called “Ireland”.  All that remains of this place today is legends and breakfast cereal.
