Tag: Drama

Movie Review: Love & Teleportation

IMDB, Love Teleportation“Love & Teleportation” on IMDB

Romance/Sci-Fi, 92 Minutes, 2013

[Disclosure: This was screened at the request of the filmmakers. No other considerations were made.]

Why hello there sir, a moment of your time – a mere moment! Now sir, what if I told you that there’s a no budget movie – yes, no budget at all – that’s actually good? Even really good? Yes sir, you’d call me crazy!


Movie Review: The Wild Hunt

IMDB, The Wild Hunt“The Wild Hunt” on IMDB

Drama/Thriller, 96 Minutes, 2009

This movie is about LARPing. If you don’t know what this is, think “grown-up dress-up party with rubber swords”. If you do know what that is you’re probably really pissed-off that I just called it a “grown-up dress-up party with rubber swords”. Don’t be mad – no offense intended – just trying to reach a middle ground.


Movie Review: Happy Christmas

IMDB, Happy Christmas“Happy Christmas” on IMDB

Comedy/Drama, 84 Minutes, 2014

This is one of those super-cheap, mostly ad-libbed, slice-of-life art films that tend to be fatally dull and terminally uninteresting. Only very rarely does the formula result in something worthwhile. Although this has some problems getting up to speed and staying there, happily it’s one of those.


Movie Review: Birdman

IMDB, Birdman“Birdman” on IMDB

Drama, 119 Minutes, 2014

Campering-crippled-christ on a crusted-crooked-crutch: this was amazing. You may have heard the film is pretentious, but that would indicate that it’s trying to fool you into thinking that it has more ability or talent than it demonstrates. The film could have devolved into pretentiousness in a thousand ways, but despite the numerous risks involved it didn’t. This is the real deal.


Movie Review: Captain Phillips

IMDB, Captain Phillips“Captain Phillips” on IMDB

Drama, 134 Minutes, 2013

Movies are always “based” on the true story because movies never – ever – actually stick to the true story. If Hollywood saw a guy loan a stranger a dollar for the bus, they’d make a movie about a guy who kills 50 ninjas to rescue his hostage wife… who has a dollar to give that other guy for the bus. Then the bus would explode.


Movie Review: Ghosted

IMDB, Ghosted“Ghosted” on IMDB

Drama, 102 Minutes, 2011

I was, honestly, wholly confused by this one as I walked away. The story was standard, but well done. Jack (John Lynch [IMDB]) is an older, well-heeled, model prisoner near to release. Paul (Martin Compston [IMDB]) is a vulnerable young newbie being targeted by the violent rapist that controls the block. When Jack decides to befriend and protect Paul he risks his freedom and his life.
