Tag: Foreign

Movie Review: Parked

IMDB, Parked“Parked” on IMDB

Drama, 94 Minutes, 2010

This is a quiet, little, personal drama. Like most quiet, little, personal dramas this lives or dies on the success of the actors. The script is crucial as well, of course, but good actors can carry a weak script – and weak direction, lighting, staging and pacing. If the actors can grab you up front and convince you that their characters are authentic, you’ll accept just about anything else.


Movie Review: My Dog Tulip

IMDB, My Dog Tulip“My Dog Tulip” on IMDB

Drama, 83 Minutes, 2009

This is an odd little animated movie that I immensely enjoyed.  The story is, basically, a biography of Tulip, an Alsatian dog owned by Londoner J.R. Ackerley.  Tulip is, most people would have to concede, a “problem dog”.  She’s rambunctious, hyperactive, possessive and unruly.  Her owner lives in constant wonder of her.


Movie Review: Grabbers

IMDB, Grabbers“Grabbers” on IMDB

Comedy/Horror, 94 Minutes, 2012

We had it in our heads, for some reason, that this was going to be another terrible SyFy Channel-style CGI-monster crapfest.  We crowded around the TV, claws unsheathed, ready to have a blast tearing this terrible piece of shit to tiny shreds.  Sadly we ended up disappointed.

You see, it ended up being good.  Even very good.


Movie Review: Closure

“Closure” on IMDB

Thriller,  80 Minutes, 2007

Revenge films tend to form a mixed bag.  They can be very easy to pull off (all you really need is to show somebody doing something horrible to somebody else) which means that a lot of them suffer from laziness.  Others spend so much time on the mechanics of the situation – long, intricate, graphically violent scenes – that they lose focus on the human impact.  It’s difficult to find the sweet spot.  This one starts out strong but unfortunately wanders aimlessly through its last two acts.


Movie Review: Starship Troopers: Invasion

“Starship Troopers: Invasion” on IMDB

Sci-fi,  90 Minutes, 2012

Hells yes, people!  This is, finally, the sequel that the original “Starship Troopers” [IMDB] deserves.  It’s an animated film – a beautiful, intricately-detailed computer animated film to be exact.  (If you still need to be told that animated films aren’t just for kids then call over whoever let you on the Internet and tell them you aren’t ready for it.)
