Category: Personal

Stuff about me or my family.

Extra Life 2015 Marathon: The Calm before the Storm!

A Depressed Press SeriesPart 3 of 15 of Extra Life 2015

Extra-Life LogoWe’re getting ready to kick off our Extra-Life 2015 Marathon! In a little over 12 hours we will be invaded by nearly a dozen 17 year-old boys. They will fill our humble home with the sights, sounds and smells (oh, dear lordy me, the smells!) of charity! And gaming. Lots of gaming.

Our team, The Vidiots, have currently raised $345 for sick kids. You can still donate, if you like – we can always use more sick kids; they’re so inspiring!

We’ve got a PS4, a PS3, a Wii-U, a regular-old Wii and an impressive tower of board, card and dice games. Our brand new Steam Link is ready to bring PC games to our TV and a proud, lonely PlayStation Vita stands united with a short-stack of Nintendo DS’s for private play. Controllers are charged and stacked like cordwood. Plentiful snacks are at hand! Caffeinated beverages are standing by!

Folks. We. Are. Ready!

Remember When Gaming Used to be Sexist?

This is the May, 1982, cover of “Electronic Gaming Monthly”. This was a very popular magazine (kids: think “paper internet”) and told my 11 year-old self what to think about pretty much everything important. I was born in late April, so I had plenty of convertable-to-quarters birthday money when this particular issue came in.

Good thing, too, or I might not have been properly warned to “move over” at the arcade because here-was-coming the “gals”. Even more inclusive, the gal in the picture is clearly disabled by some terrible spinal condition as well. I assume those are orthopedic fuck-me boots.

This began, for me, nearly 35 years of playing video games with “gals” but being periodically told that that they had just started doing so a few short minutes prior.

Electonic Gaming Monthly, May 1982

I’m just thankful that the fine journalists of the day were looking out for me. Without them, I may have fallen victim to some kind of systemic sexism!

Space Weird Thing is Awesome

The folks at Alaska Robotics and one of my favorite people, Marian Call, bring us an amazing shot-for-shot remake of Bowie’s timeless classic “Space Oddity”… using only the 1,000 most popular words in English.

Marian Call is genetically incapable of being anything other than awesome. Her friends may (or may not) lack genetic perfection, but are pretty damn awesome in their own right.

Credits from the description: “Molly Lewis, Marian Call, and Seth Boyer modified the lyrics and performed the song. This project was Patrick Race’s idea, and he filmed it with help from Ben Soileau and Aaron Suring.”

Boiled Eggs and Brain Eaters 2015!

BEBE Logo_TransToBlackOur annual Easter celebration of everything zombie, Boiled Eggs and Brain Eaters (BEBE), has started!

If you’re into zombies, why not join us over at our sister site We’ll be doing zombie movies, games and food crafts all day!

We started BEBE in 2009 and it’s something our family always looks forward too. If the reanimated corpses of the recently deceased can’t bring us closer together then, truly, what good are they?