My snotty kid has been slightly less snotty lately so my ever patient and lovely bride took her sledding.
Category: Personal
Stuff about me or my family.
Thoughts as you fall asleep…
Personal Archaeology: WebTV
Cleaning out the attic and found this little hybridized technological bastard from 18 years ago. WebTV (later bought out by Microsoft and rechristened “MSN TV”). I originally purchased it to do interface and human-factors testing for some or another client. If I remember correctly I think was set up for, maybe, a week?
Puns are the Highest Form of Humor, Right?
It’s not a great joke and probably not in the best of taste, but, dammit, my beautiful bride giggled at it and that’s good enough for me.
Thoughts as you fall asleep…
Merry Christmas!
Yes, even atheists celebrate christmas (I suspect that we may even have more fun with it). For me no song captures my feelings better that Tim Minchin’s amazing, “White Wine in the Sun”. Here’s a version from Tim’s “Ready for This” DVD.
As always, all proceeds from the sale of the song in the months of November and December go to charity. I prefer Amazon, but you can use the vendor of your choice.
Tagocalypse! Tagageddon? Tagnarock?
I spent way too long last night retagging all of my posts. All of the movie reviews have been tagged with genres (so you can now click through to all the Dramas, Action Flicks or Documentaries) and other meaningful notes (so you can click through to other schlock, vampire or Indie movies). The same, of course has been done with everything else so you can click through to all JavaScript, PS3, Humor or anything else.
I honestly had no intention, when I started, to review anything at all. Instead I just wanted a cheaper place to store my code components, rant a bit and try to do something mildly creative. I sent myself a goal to write something – anything – at least once a week and started, why not, reviewing stuff I watched or did. In the nearly two-years since I’ve actually completed 351 movie and 31 gaming reviews (and that’s not counting what’s shambling around over at
Sure, the end result may just be proof how little I’ve done with my life, but it did keep me out of trouble. I did get some ranting in as well.
There Ain’t No Tradition Like a New Tradition!
Presented without undue delay or comment (but a hell of a lot of schoolgirl giggles from a fat old man):
Initial Thoughts on the Steam Controller
The Steam Controller was recently unveiled as part of the larger set of Steam Machine announcements. The Steam Machine is an open specification for console-like PCs allowing for easy integration of PC games into your living room. While boxes can vary in power and capacity – and so in cost – the Steam Controller is an attempt to normalize the interface.
The controller represents a significant evolution of what’s become a relatively stagnant controller design. While this is a pre-release design that may change it’s unlikely that the core features will change drastically. It shares the two lobed, split-surface design first popularized by the original PlayStation controller but with significant differences.
Stupid Arguments for Pedantic People: One or Two Spaces after a Period
There are certain arguments that attract certain people. Arguments that sane people ignore for the simple reason that none of the positions raised actually matter in any way. This series will explore some of them. Here’s one.