Search Results for – "extra life"

Extra Life 2015 Marathon: The Calm before the Storm!

A Depressed Press SeriesPart 3 of 15 of Extra Life 2015

Extra-Life LogoWe’re getting ready to kick off our Extra-Life 2015 Marathon! In a little over 12 hours we will be invaded by nearly a dozen 17 year-old boys. They will fill our humble home with the sights, sounds and smells (oh, dear lordy me, the smells!) of charity! And gaming. Lots of gaming.

Our team, The Vidiots, have currently raised $345 for sick kids. You can still donate, if you like – we can always use more sick kids; they’re so inspiring!

We’ve got a PS4, a PS3, a Wii-U, a regular-old Wii and an impressive tower of board, card and dice games. Our brand new Steam Link is ready to bring PC games to our TV and a proud, lonely PlayStation Vita stands united with a short-stack of Nintendo DS’s for private play. Controllers are charged and stacked like cordwood. Plentiful snacks are at hand! Caffeinated beverages are standing by!

Folks. We. Are. Ready!

Extra Life 2014 Marathon: Last Checkpoint

Extra-Life LogoWell, we failed with our Extra-Life 2014 Marathon. Our team, the Vidiots, (feel free to donate) were able to make it most of the way but hit a wall in the 18th hour.

Although our team failed to stay awake, many others didn’t. The grand total as off 8am this morning was over five-million dollars raised, smashing the record from last year handily.

As much fun as we were having, we still couldn’t quite make it all the way. People started dropping off in ones and twos until there was nobody left.

All told, even though we didn’t meet our goal, I consider this a success. Our team was thrown together at the last minute and the event was sandwiched in the middle of what’s turning out to be a very challenging school year. We raised a little money, blew off a lot of steam and gave us an excuse to finally clean the living room.

Extra Life 2014 Marathon: Third Checkpoint

Extra-Life LogoWe enter the last quarter of our Extra-Life 2014 Marathon with our team the Vidiots  (feel free to donate). As we enter our 14th hours it’s clear folks are starting to flag, but second winds seem to incoming.

Since the last update:

  • We lost one! Our first victim is sawing logs on the downstairs couch.
  • There has been even more “Towerfall: Ascension“. For the past few hours two of our more dedicated team members have been working slowing through the brutal campaign mode. Unfortunately they’re hitting the last, and hardest, levels as they’re losing more and focus.
  • The other surviving team members are wandering from laptop to handheld listlessly poking at old favorites like “Team Fortress”.  I’m not optimistic that they’ll be awake much longer.

Six more hours. Six more hours!

Extra Life 2014 Marathon: Second Checkpoint

Extra-Life LogoWe continue our Extra-Life 2014 Marathon with our team the Vidiots  (feel free to donate). As we enter our 14th hour it’s clear folks are starting to flag, but second winds seem to incoming.

Since the last update:

  • There has been a lot more “Towerfall: Ascension” action on the PS4. The level of customization available in the game, an insanely deep but incredibly subtle handicapping system and a hugely effective sense of humor makes this a favorite of anybody that touches it.
  • Because we’re gluttons for strange we also played the highly bizarre “Cho Aniki“. This homoerotic acid trip never saw translation or retail release outside Japan, but is available for the PS3 as “PS1 Classic”. Truly, this game has to be seen to be believed; and if you see it, you won’t believe it.
  • Most of the time was spent with “Buzz: Quiz TV“. We’d forgotten how much fun this title was, even if the questions, after six years, seem a little dated. Still, we played six or seven full rounds so clearly it didn’t matter too much.
  • We just recently, finally, started playing “PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royal“. A five gig download, 30 minute install then a full gig patch. We’re having fun, but it felt way too much like work!

We’re likely to lose people off-and-on from this point out. 10 hours left and I know I’m already feeling it.

Extra Life 2014 Marathon: First Checkpoint

Extra-Life LogoWe kicked off our Extra-Life 2014 Marathon, with our last-minute attempt at a team – the Vidiots  (feel free to donate) – about eight hours ago. I had planned on making regular updates, but I’m having too damn much fun, so shoot me.

The entire event – thanks almost entirely to the $115 our team has contributed – has raised nearly four million dollars so far and shows no sign of slowing. The strength and determination of sick kids is amazing, and this money will go to ensure that there are even more sick kids around to inspire us all!

The line-up so far as been pretty eclectic:

  • Plans to begin with “PlayStation All-Stars: Battle Royal” were scuttled by a corrupt game file. The game was deleted and re-downloaded.
  • While that was being done, the group decided to move to the PS4 and start with some manic “Towerfall: Ascension” action. This is, hands down, one of the best four-on-a-couch games ever made.
  • Staying in the same vein, we moved to some “Super Smash Bros. Brawl” on the Wii.
  • The group went even older-school next with some analog “Monopoly“, which was abandoned long before it was completed.
  • People wandered off to do their own things for a while and there was some Team Fortress, a little PS3 Flow, PS4 Escape Plan and a whole mess of semi-private PC and 3DS gaming.
  • As dinner time approached a good idea turned ugly as we attempted to get four Dual Shock 4 controllers connected to a laptop via HDMI to play the hilariously fun “Lethal League“. The entire exercise was, um, “problematic” and athough it did work, basically, for a short time it was abandoned pretty quickly.
  • Now – because why not? – they’ve decided to play “Adventure Time: Explore the Dungeon because I DON’T KNOW!” on the Wii U.

(I’ve been informed that I may have missed the point of the fund-raiser. I don’t think so.)

Uncharted 4 First (and Second) Impressions

A Depressed Press SeriesPart 2 of 3 of Uncharted 4

Uncharted4 CoverAfter my initial disappointment with Uncharted 4’s gi-freakin’-normous day one patch, I was actually able to play it. Since Tuesday, I’ve been able to put something over ten hours into the title and have reached Chapter 12 (of 22). Yes, I’m a 45 year-old man who took a vacation day from work to play a video game. I’m a growed-up and I wanna find pirate treasure, dammit!

In a fit of hubris, having earned Platinum trophies for the three previous games, I decided to start the game on “Crushing” difficulty. Having spent the last two hours failing to progress, I’m beginning to feel that this may have been a mistake.

[Spoilers Ahead]


Day 20 with Fallout 4: Settlements and I get Serious

A Depressed Press SeriesPart 20 of 36 of Fallout 4
Yeah, the's the good stuff.

Yeah, that’s the good stuff.

I continue my play diary of Fallout 4. Or at least I tried. Last time I swore – pinky swore – that I was going to finally rescue Nick Valentine. I had every intention of doing so: I went back to sanctuary to pick up Piper. I wanted to be clear that despite my recent tryst with Cait, she’d always be my number one lady. We hit the Diamond City Market to stock up and things went south from there.

The distractions were extended, but profitable. I gained no less than eight new levels in this marathon weekend session, bringing me to level 43. I took the fourth ranks of Gunner, Science! and Armorer to max out my crafting capabilities, but remain sadly unimpressed with Armorer. I also worked on my core a bit and raised both Strength and Endurance by a point each for the carrying and the sprinting. I also took the first rank of Demolition Expert, so that I could craft explosives (and put all the lunchboxes I’ve been finding to good use) and the third and final rank of Ninja, for those sneaky strikes. Finally I took the last rank of Sneak, although I’ve yet to truly understand how it works.

Obviously, there will be spoilers ahead!


Day 16 with Fallout 4: My Spiffy new Gun, Settling Settlements and Artillery Emplacements.

A Depressed Press SeriesPart 16 of 36 of Fallout 4
All I know is that if I'd have said "No", I'd have a lot more free time.

All I know is that if I’d have said “No”, I’d have a lot more free time.

I continue my play diary of Fallout 4. After the epic battle with the Mirelurk Queen to retake The Castle, I assumed there would be some clean-up. Preston jumped on me right away to get things in order and report new settlement problems. A returning Minuteman veteran, Ronnie, also led me on a short adventure to reopen the armory.

I ended up spending the entire session working on various settlement quests, crafting and generally adding to the Minutemen empire of swampland and dirt farms.

Obviously, there will be spoilers ahead!


Day Two with Fallout 4: The Corvega Plant, a Tour with Lucas Miller and the Legendary Mole Rat Brood Mother

A Depressed Press SeriesPart 2 of 36 of Fallout 4

Still so very badass!

I continue my play diary of Fallout 4. Today I dug into the crafting and workbench systems. I understand them more than I did, but am still far from comfortable. I also had the chance to do some character building, planning and a little regretting.

Most of the day was spent in the surprisingly enormous Corvega factory battling a veritable army of raiders. I capped off the day by taking a little tour of wastes with my new buddy, Lucas Miller.

Obviously, there will be spoilers ahead!
